class TopDown::CharReader


Base class of a Parser.

It composed from a #source and can read or peek characters taking in account a complete Location on the source.

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String) #

Creates a new CharReader (or Parser), initialized to read the source.

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Instance Method Detail

def each_char(& : Char -> ) #

Iterates over each source character.

#location is incremented between each character.

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def location : Location #

Returns the current cursor location.

The location can be used later to raise an error at that point.

loc = self.location
exp = parse!(:expression)
parse!(')', error: "Unterminated parenthesis expression", at: loc)

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def location=(location : Location) #

Move the cursor to the new location.

The location should be well formed, otherwise error display won't be right. It is recommended to always use a location got by self.location.

This methods is used to backtrack the parser. However, prefer using Parser.union, Parser.maybe, and Parser.repeat over manual backtracks.

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def next_char : Char #

Returns the next character to parse, and increments the cursor #location.

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def peek_char #

Returns the next character to parse, without incrementing the cursor #location.

This method is currently the only way to look ahead during the parsing. It allow for instance:

parse("if") do
  break if peek_char.alphanumeric?
# as an equivalent to:
parse(/if\b/) { }

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def previous_assci_char? : Char | Nil #

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def source : String #

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def source=(source : String) #

Modifies the source and reset the cursor #location to zero.

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